Saturday, August 15, 2009

It's Been Too Long!

Though not that much is going on. Three molars coming in...two on top, one on the bottom. Jackson has some new toys...we got him a wagon today! Since our mailbox is like five blocks away (seriously) we take family trips over to it. Now that Jackson is mobile, we let him walk...but sometimes it's more picking up rocks and putting them in his mouth. So we wanted a way to transport him that wasn't the stroller necessarily...and wagon it is!

He still loves doggies and thinks all animals are doggies which is hilarious to me by th way. He loves books and is always looking at books and bringing books to us to read to him. If we get through any pages it's a minor miracle.

I think tomorrow we will take Jackson out to the CU women's soccer exhibition match and teach him how to sit quietly and watch sporting events. HA!