Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Slack Attack

So it's been a month. I don't have much of an excuse, other than my job is crazed and so is my boy. Jackson is over 18 months old now! It's been a crazy month. We had our 18 month checkup...Jackson gained only 13 ounces in 3 months! The doctor looked me dead in the eye and said, "Would you say he is an active child" pretty much as he simultaneously climbed on a chair and attempted to then scale his way onto the counter top. Yeah, yeah. I'd say he's active. He is already just about 33 inches tall! So his body is getting taller, just not too much heavier.

This month we did our wait in line Somalia style and got Jackson an H1N1 vaccination. He is due back for round two anytime after next Monday so we'll see if they have any available for him. It's been scary to be honest. You hear stories of otherwise healthy kids basically dying from it, so you do what you can to take care of him and keep him healthy. That includes waiting in a hallway outside a doctor's office from about 730 am to 930 am to get a vaccination. He did well.

In milestones, it's too many to count. Jackson is learning his colors and his big trifecta are blue, white and yellow. Yellow is the predominant color in the Coors Events Center, so when I took him there this past weekend he kept pointing and shouting "Yellow!" He is slowly mastering the art of using utensils and is getting quite adept at forking his foods. He smiles, he says cheese, he says please. He yells, "Big ball!" when he wants to play with his big blue rubber ball. His biggest sentence to date is "dada get the ball" which I believe qualifies. He calls my mom a version of "mama" and kind of calls my dad "Opa" which is what they call the grandpas over in Deutschland and is what they called my dad's dad (well Opie, actually). That may be what it turns into. He can help take off his shirt, sits in our laps to read books and knows what all the animals are in his playroom and in his books. Sometimes he feels shy and will ask "up!" and put his head on our shoulder until he feels comfortable around whatever person made him say up in the first place. He goes down the big slides at the park. He can go up AND down stairs now and usually without incident.

That's all I can think of now...love you buddy!