Monday, December 7, 2009

Sick of Being Sick...and Doing Something About It

So Jackson is sick. A lot. Jackson is sick every 4-6 weeks with a cold that stretches into another cold and another and another. Basically Jackson seems sick all the time. Or he was….

In September I got really sick of Jackson being sick. REALLY SICK OF IT. I was complaining about it on Facebook and a friend of mine from high school asked if Jackson was on vitamins. Yes...and probiotics as well. She mentioned Juice Plus, which I snarkily laughed at. Then I had literally dozens of friends from all different parts of my life chime in. High school friends. College friends. Work friends from job now, work friends from jobs past. They all said, oh I take this or my kid takes this or whatever and I’m never sick and he’s never sick and so forth. What? So out of desperation, I ordered some Juice Plus gummies for Jackson just to see if it would help. I seriously doubted that it would.

It did. He hasn’t been sick since. He might have a runny nose for half a day. He might cough three times. But he hasn’t been sick since. He hasn’t missed a day at day care, I haven’t had to miss work to take care of my sick buddy. Neither has Jason.

Next I think Jason and I will take the plunge and start on the products ourselves. I’ll update you with results of that little experiment. I get sick a lot these days... I think I have had tonsillitis like six times in the last four months. So if this works for us, I’ll let you know. And if it doesn’t, I will too. But if you want to give it a try before we see what it does for us, let me know.

Thanks, and keep your fingers crossed for a continually healthy little Jackson. He’s way more fun this way.