We are adding to the chaos. Lew Two is due in about 7 weeks and a day. Jackson is going to be a big brother to a little brother. When we told him I was prego he asked if it was a brother. We told him it might be a brother or a sister. Eight weeks later we found out for sure. Before I went to the doc we spent a lot of time explaining to him that it could go either way...that sisters are as fun as brothers...blah blah blah. His response? I know mommy, but it is a brother. He knew it all along.
As we get closer to d-day, start getting Chez Lew in order for Lew Two, Jackson senses some change is brewing. Most of the time he responds in positive ways...talking about how he's going to help and saying prayers for the little guy. He asks me every day if he can still sit on my lap, afraid my vast belly has run out of room for him. It hasn't. I always oblige and let him climb up for cuddles.
He's four, so actually communicating a fear of getting replaced or bumped from the top of the order is not going to happen. But I sense it from him. He understands things will change, but just like me and Jason, what that means and what it will look like we don't know yet. Here's what won't change. Jackson made me a mom. Arguably the biggest transformation a typical person goes through is going from person to mom or dad. And the person responsible for that change is the fantastic first-born (waves flag proudly). It was not a role I ever really knew I could do until I had to do it. And I love it, and my wee man makes me so happy and proud every day. I can't wait to see how he does as a big brother. I'm not so naive that I think it will be easy. But he's going to be great. You might be getting some company in this family, but you'll never, ever, be replaced. I love you buddy.
Letter to Garrett on his Third Birthday
13 years ago