Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Honestly there's not been that much new to report! We had another bout with an ear infection. Jackson got sent home from school on Thursday morning with a fever of like 101.3...not great but not overly alarming. I wasn't thrilled with his cough, so we went to the doc. Success! Red right ear drum equals antibiotics. So he became much more comfortable on Saturday afternoon and is back to himself. Sunday we went to a picnic for our cousin Matt, whose girlfriend Brandi is expecting a little girl on Father's Day. It's fun to take Jackson outside now. We slather up that sunscreen and he does well.

I think it's a big reason why he has transitioned so well at school. They play outside twice a day and have lots of things to play with and a nice shaded grass area as well. It's been so warm that they play with water as well, and next week they'll do some fun sprinkler time. Taking him to school in the morning simply sucks. When I leave, he screams. But I read that I shouldn't sneak out it will just freak him out more as opposed to just being upset that I'm leaving. So I have to endure that screaming while I walk out the door.

The garage sale was a success. Now our lives are about packing and finding a moving truck and friends and family to help.