Monday, June 29, 2009

Spoons and Please

We witnessed use of the word please. In sign language. Multiple times. We are trying to teach Jackson not to throw food on the floor. So I did some reading and we are cutting back on how much we give him at once, which seemed to work. Then once he finished, I would ask him if he wanted more and he would make the sign for please! Every time! It's awesome!

So I decided to take my chances and see if Jackson wanted to try eating with a spoon on his own. After I showed him a few times how to do it, I just rested the spoon on the bowl of yogurt to see what he would do. He picked it up, got some yogurt in the spoon, and put it in his mouth and ate it!! And then did it again!!! Yeah, he tried to use his hand to eat it too, but he used the spoon three times to eat the yogurt.

I was very excited and he could tell. My boy was all smiles.