Thursday, October 2, 2008

When You Least Expect It

So last night was kind of brutal. Jackson is over having his hands restrained via swaddling when he is napping or sleeping, so we are in the process of retraining him to sleep sans the full swaddle. Now that he has full hand access, he eats them, yells at them, pulls on things with them, all at 3 a.m.

Last night was the first attempt at overnight sleeping without hand restraint, and it took him a little while to fall asleep. He was still doing his leg booms, which keeps Jason awake so Jason retreated elsewhere in the house to attempt to sleep as we always try to take turns being the one who gets to sleep. Meanwhile, I stayed in our room to address any needs that might arise. Turns out there were several.

The typical 3 am pee diaper was followed up with an atypical 4 am poo diaper. At 1 am he needed something and was shrieking about it. I can't remember what. At 545 am (10 minutes after I finally fell asleep after the 4 am shenanigans), more of the same. (I obviously know that he is learning that he can do things and the result is that mom and dad will come into his room to help him...we are learning the difference between "I need something" and "I want to see mom or dad and smile and coo and play so I will make a noise because I think that will make them come in here to see me") Then sometime after 6 am more noise and I was like, "Honey, I love you but you have to wait it out utnil 6:30 and then I will come in."

But something sounded a little different in his chattiness with himself, so I decided I would peek in and make sure all was well (we just removed his crib bumper the day before). I peek in and behold! My child has rolled over onto his stomach in his crib for the very first time! I was so happy that I picked him up, took him to his father (who was blissfully asleep until that point), went back into our room and slept for an entire hour in a row for the first time all night/day.

So after the longest night of Jackson's short life (FIVE MONTHS OLD TODAY!) I was rewarded for my patience and love with a pumpkin who finally rolled over on his tummy.