Sunday, September 28, 2008

Baby Picnic, Round 2

So we tried to get together with the baby class again, and we had four babies this time around...that would be Jackson at 6 o'clock, Colby at 9, Jack at 12 and Eva at 3. Jackson would be the one laying happily on his back in the Cubs outfit. He was cute and laughed his face off most of the time (he is laughing here) but is the only one of the group not doing the super roll over all the time. That would be due to swaddling him still...which I've been considering trying to taper off and now am sure it needs to happen. I know, I know...they all develop at their own pace and it's not a race, but seriously, he is almost five months old he should maybe be a little further along in the rolling over department in my very unexpert opinion. In any case, he struggles to get his arms out most naps anyways and then just falls asleep, so as of now he is swaddled with arms out so we don't have to mess with that whole ordeal of him getting his arms out and then falling asleep.

He also is rocking some fantastic eye goop, which I will be calling Dr. T about in the morning. I swear I should just put them on speed dial. I have read like 90 books and websites about what to do about eye goop, and they all say that he doesn't have pink eye but needs some drops anyways. So I guess I will see about getting him some drops. Suuuuuper.

I would also like to add that we tried squash as his latest vegetable, and it was another super success. So far he likes sweet potatoes, squash, bananas, apples and is okay with carrots and sweet peas and not so much with peaches.

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