I had a friend coin the term Vomitron. It's more of a name really. In that instance it referred to someone who had been overserved and whose body was violently punishing them at that time.
In this case, it refers to my child, who has apparently caught a stomach flu that is sweeping Boulder County. It started this morning while I was sleeping. Jason fed him breakfast and he puked...but that's really not that uncommon of an occurrence.
Then when I got up at 10 (I know, how great is that) Jackson was playing in his crib on his tummy. He didn't want to sleep, so I brought him into our room to play on the bed while I folded and put laundry away. This was a mistake, as he threw up on the bed.
I changed his clothes and put him in his crib. He threw up again. Lather, rinse, repeat. Threw up again. All told, he threw up like eight times. Then I gave him some pedialyte. Five minutes later he threw most of it up. 10 minutes after that he threw up some more. Then I called the doctor to talk hydration plan, diaper monitoring, etc.
So we will now attempt to feed him two teaspoons of clear liquid every five minutes while he is awake. Once he goes four hours without throwing that up, he gets four teaspoons (be still my heart...four whole teaspoons!) . Once he goes four hours without throwing THAT up, he gets two ounces of diluted formula. Then once he goes four hours without throwing that up, he gets two ounces of regular formula and we can get on with our lives. We don't need to really panic until he goes eight hours of the two teaspoon plan and nothing of that stays down. Right now we get a few to stay down, a few to come up...he is finally asleep right now for a little bit so I can violently wash my hands before inhaling some food to make it through the rest of this day and what is sure to be a long night.
Needless to say, I'm not going to work tomorrow. I'll be busy monitoring the length of stay of fluids in my child's tummy. And trying to figure out how long it will be before Jason or I start seeing our own manifestations of this illness.
Letter to Garrett on his Third Birthday
13 years ago
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