Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Naps Are For Sissies

Is apparently the mantra of my child today. Jackson is approaching the time when three naps ought to become two, but we're having a hard time figuring out which one will be the one to go. Sometimes, it's the morning nap. Sometimes, it's his late afternoon nap. Sometimes, it's his middle of the day nap.

We're working on finding a consistent dinner time and bed time regardless of what has gone on that day as a starting off point. That is becoming 6 pm and 7 pm right now, but that too fluctuates. He typically has breakfast at 7 am, which consists of a bottle and some fruit and cereal. Then if it is a home day, he goes down for a nap at 9 or 9:30 am. Then he usually has lunch at 11, then crashes at 12:30 and sleeps until about 2. Then he has a bottle, usually is good for about two hours and then gets fussy and tired at about 4 and crashes for another two hours. Then it's dinner, play time, bath and story and bedtime. He occasionally and usually still is half to full waking at 10 ish for another snack, which is probably the first thing that we need to push him to give up and will do so more insistently.

So we'll see where the chips fall once that falls by the wayside. The issue is that when he's at school the aforementioned atomic clock accurate schedule that he has adopted goes completely by the wayside. Sometimes for no reason, sometimes for some reason, sometimes for the kid in his room that thinks shrieking as loud as possible is a super fun game to play in the nap area when my child is finally asleep. Hell if I know.

I look forward to his first swim lessons tomorrow night at 6:30 throwing the entire thing into chaos. Hooray!