Poor little buddy is getting his first molar. And it sucks. Lower right, closest molar to the front. It has been interesting watching it come in as we have been able to see the little points for a few days and now the totally flat part is breaking through, so needless to say yesterday was brutal. But he only woke up once last night when the motrin wore off and once he was re-medicated he slept until 7 am today which was nice.
As for other things Jackson, he is learning more and becoming more interesting everyday. He has new words like "doos" which is shoes and also is becoming adept at pointing at what he wants. He usually says please without us having to remind him to do so, and his new favorite song is Say You Will by Fleetwood Mac. He eats corn and watermelon like nothing I've ever seen, and enjoys meatballs a lot too. Jackson is a great eater and we are going to ride that horse for as long as we can.
Jackson also got his first at-home riding toy. Some silly FP fire truck that he can sit on and push himself around on it like he's Fred Flintstone. I got it for him last Friday because he loves to show me how he can ride those things at school. He walked into the house and Jason had assembled it for him and the look on his face was the all time greatest thing I've ever seen. It was like, really? This is mine? And it's here? At my house? And I can ride it almost anytime I want? You guys are great!
Letter to Garrett on his Third Birthday
13 years ago
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