Jackson turned 15 months old today. We celebrated with a trip to the baby spa. Totally kidding. We blew up an inflatable kid pool in the backyard and Jason and Jackson played in it this morning and tonight before dinner. As was totally expected, Jackson loved it and would probably sit in there all day if we let him.
He is turning into a full blown toddler. So this means that he disagrees with us now. Before he pretty much went along with everything we said and did. Now...not so much. I knew the day would come when he was no longer interested in doing what we had to say...and that day came. It was yesterday. Now I can't decide if it's the molars, possibly an ear infection, or just...who he is now. I really, really hope it's 1 or 2, which is terrible to say, but seriously, he was out of control the last 48 hours.
When he doesn't get his way, he dramatically goes limp and lays on whatever surface is nearest...comfort is not an object. Sometimes, he screams, sometimes he does a really irritating grunt and screams. Today at the store he wasn't getting his way, so he threw himself on the floor and was borderline going to throw a tantrum. Toddlers. Sweet.
Letter to Garrett on his Third Birthday
13 years ago
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