So after many weeks of waiting around for someone to go see it with, I saw Juno this morning. I always thought Ellen Page was clever anyways because she has the best lines in X Men 3 (yeah that was her that said that to the Juggernaut) and being in my particular state of being, obviously the movie appealed to me.
Overall, it's a pretty good movie I think. The things she describes to her parents when she reveals that she is knocked up about how she feels are hilarious and hit very close to home. Then when she goes to meet with Derek from Silver Spoons and Agent Sydney Bristow about giving them her kid for private adoption and she reveals that her due date is MAY 4! My friend Sally O'Malley and I literally leapt from our seats in uncontrolled fits of laughter and disbelief that I share my due date with the fictional 16 year old Juno. I'm kind of pissed that the scores of people who already saw the film without me didn't pick up on that and share it with me. Thanks friends for not having my due date tattooed on your brain. 'Preciate it.
Anyways, good movie. Good one-liners...I leave you with this one because Big Man and I are attempting to prepare a turkey for the first time EVER today and it's just not going well. So here is my line of the day from Juno. It might be a re-occurring feature here at the CTC blog.
Juno: "I could so go for like a huge cookie right now, with like, a lamb kabob simultaneously."
Amen sister. Amen.
Letter to Garrett on his Third Birthday
13 years ago
Dude...was totally leaving a comment the other day...when WHAM! The internet went out.....for the rest of the day! I was sad, obviously. But...was loving your birth class recap. Hilarious! I'd definitely be staring at the ceiling as well. Juno was a good flick...but what was Sydney Bristow doing there?!? Good work Linds, on the blogging. Entertaining stuff.
Sabs, you know Sydney was kind of annoying and was bugging me but then when the whole Jason Bateman=loser part happened I was pleasantly surprised with how her character reacted.
Yeah....she turned out WAY cooler in the end...compared to how she was to start the movie out.
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