Monday, March 31, 2008

Light at the End of the Tunnel

There's a light at the end of the tunnel. It's week 36. Granted, it's day two of week 36, but nonetheless, it's week 36. Little Man is still partying in there...I guess he still has some room to get his workout on, which is stunning as I feel as though I could sub in for the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man at this point.

Miranda made another good blog idea suggestion as I've hit another dry spell. Things I will do when I'm able to do them once LM is out and about.

Well first of all, with my due date being May 4 and all, many of my friends and coworkers are holding out hope for a Cinco de Mayo birthday so that margaritas will not only be tolerated by hospital staff, but perhaps required. Um, I don't need a holiday that I don't even celebrate to have an excuse to throw one down. I will have just completed +/- 40 weeks of pregnancy...and will have an awesome little man to show for it. If that's not an excuse to imbibe a celebratory cocktail then I don't know what is.

So the laundry list of things I have missed doing and therefore am looking forward to doing once my pregnancy is complete: lay flat on my back for as long as my infant son will allow me to during one stretch of time, have a cocktail (specifically either a bloody mary, mojito or margarita), jump in the air or do anything remotely athletic, fall down without panicking about repercussions for anyone other than myself, have a turkey sandwich from a deli, and the highlight: PLAY SPORTS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (to include soccer, softball, dodgeball and anything else anyone wants me to play).

"This is your third test today, Mama Bear. Your eggo is preggo, no doubt about it."


Anonymous said...

Ok, you are cracking me up. I read your last several entries and am most relieved to know that I don't have to picture you wandering about the hospitals halls moaning, squatting and potentially squeezing LM out on the linoleum. As I said at the time of my first childbirth event, "this is no time to stop doing drugs." Not only was I heavily (no pun intended) in favor of the epidural, or as I like to call it the giant needle o' fun, I actually would have requested seconds, if I thought I could get away with it. Back in the olden days when I was born, moms gave birth with a tumbler of gin in one hand and a cigarette in the other. I won't go so far as to say that I came out fine, but I'll leave that judgment up to you. Let's face it, some women willingly give birth in a bathtub, some have their babies in a taxi and some even pop their kids out in a field and continue to work. Lying in bed is the way to go. And whether you can get up to go to the bathroom after you give birth is the least of your worries, Prego. It's where you relive yourself during labor...
Love and painkillers,
AT (and her relatively normal kids, your cousins)

Anonymous said...

Nice touch Linds...Stay Puft Marshmellow Man. You can't have turkey sandwiches...what gives?!? And I hate to even bring this up...but what if LM loves the lovely confines of Preggo and he decides he wants to be born AFTER Cinco de Mayo? =) Kidding, kidding...we'll all be thinking happy thoughts to ensure that does not happen! And whoever anonymous rock too! Had me rolling here!