Saturday, September 27, 2008


So Halloween is in a month. Based on how long stuff has been in stores, you would think it was tomorrow, but yeah, still five weeks away. I have already made our first Jackson Halloween costume decision and purchase, and I will not be will have to wait for the unveiling. All I can say is I am fired up for the CU Staff Spirit Council's Annual Halloween Breakfast on October 30, because A, it will be fun, and B, we get to dress up again on actual Halloween the next day.

So yeah, back to my inappropriate comment. So I was checking out Target and various Halloween costume store and I noticed something. All the women's costumes are sexy witch, sexy nurse, sexy cop, sexy kitty, etc. Sexy whatever. Obviously with my jolly post-baby body none of these are options and probably would not be anyways. Here's my issue: one row over are the kids costumes. The girls costumes (not TEEN girl costumes, girls costumes) nearby? Cute witch, cute nurse, cute cop, cute kitty. Sure, cute. Or, are they just mini versions of the aforementioned sexy costumes?

PEOPLE THEY ARE THE EXACT SAME THING. Same exact thing just smaller. Am I the only person noticing this? Or worse yet, the only person who thinks it's gross?