Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Send Good Thoughts

Doctor appointment tomorrow afternoon...Jackson's standard four month checkup. The over/under on his weight is 17 pounds if anyone wants to weigh in on that. I have no idea how tall he is other than he is tall...if I really wanted to put him 9 month old clothes they would probably fit. But his six month stuff still fits and many outfits he has worn like once. So if you are planning on buying any clothes for Jackson...9 months or larger! :)

He is still eating cereal, though tomorrow we will inquire as to what other types of food he can eat besides Krusty's Imitation Gruel. I'm serious it's like he's eating nothing. But he apparently likes it, because he couldn't get enough of it today. I'm hoping for some banana permissions, maybe rock some sweet potatoes, green beans? We have fresh peaches from grandpa's trees so it would be nice to be able to hook him up with some homemade pureed peaches.

A few of my friends have been stunned that he gets to have solids already, but my doc said four months, so we said okay let's roll it out. Formula smells horrible...the kid deserves a shot at the good stuff if he has to keep drinking that swill.

But yeah, send good thoughts. Because routine doctor appointment means shots. Unless he has a cold then I think shots are a no go...but we'll see. Shots sucked last time and I can't see how they will be any better this time around. He stopped rejecting the formula so that whole allergy scare was just that. I still feel bad for Aunt Jennie because she had to deal with him for like six hours of hell. He'll make up for it with coos and giggles I'm sure.