Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Haircut Again

I decided that with Easter and birthday coming up it was time for a real live haircut. We went today, and it was great. We walk in to hear the beautiful sounds of Miley Cyrus blaring at the Superior Lollilocks. No appointment though, and they were full, so we had to go back at 1 pm. So we did, and Jackson did great! He sat in the booster seat and "read" a book while Jackie the stylist sprayed his head and cut his little hairs. He even sat still for the buzzing clipper as she did a cleanup job on the back of his neck and around his ears. Photos will be up later when he is up from his nap but I didn't want to forget to post this. He was a great customer and she didn't charge us hardly anything since it took about 2 minutes and he sat still and let her work. Hooray for good behavior = saved money!