Saturday, April 18, 2009

When Did I Get a Kid?

Because last time I checked, I thought I had a baby! Sometime in the last month, Jackson has morphed from a baby boy to a big boy. I don't know when it was...and there are still things I'm clinging to that are baby like. We still give him a bottle and he still has to lay either in our arms or lean on our knees when he has it. When he wakes up for a moment at 3 am and screams for whatever reason and we get to pick him up out of his crib and he puts his little head on my shoulder and calms down. Those are baby moments. They are the last ones...I have a little boy. He plays on his knees and tries to throw the ball to daddy. Instead of putting the toy truck in his mouth, he actually attempts to roll it on the floor. He feeds himself, and gets mad when we try to feed him sometimes with a spoon. He grabs the aforementioned bottle and plays with it when he's done. He stacks rings and blocks. He talks in the car. He dances! He makes jokes! He puts smaller toys inside bigger toys, and puts toys in the toy bin. He knows that when we come get him in the morning or after a nap that the blue blankie stays in the crib and hands it to daddy. He is a wonderful, wonderful little man. And he's still my baby.