Sunday, September 28, 2008

Things That Are Awesome

Jason got up with Jackson this morning so I could get a few more winks in, and also because I got up to change Jackson's diaper that was filled with four pounds of pee (what has affectionately become known in office coffee trips as simply, a "pee diaper" courtesy of Justin who has no children and still endures pee diapers stories in exchange for a free ride to Fivebucks) at 4 in the morning. Then Jason went to the basement and I finished laundry, and started to make some potato salad for our baby class picnic later today.

Whilst folding laundry and boiling taters, I heard the familiar BOOM from upstairs at about 9:30, like 45 minutes into Jackson's morning nap, so I went in there to check on him. As soon as he saw me, his entire face lit up and he started flailing around with a huge grin on his face he was so happy.

You can't buy that kind of awesomeness, nor can you describe what it looks like or how it makes you feel. There just aren't words.

I have a lot of married friends at work who don't have kids. And I hated being pregnant so much and was so totally honest about how it made me feel that I think I scared them out of it, which is okay because I think that honesty is the best policy. But for as much as I hated being pregnant (and trust me here people, I have NOT forgotten) I love having my little man and think being a mom is sofa king cool.

Additional cool things:


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