Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Little Effort, Please

So can we talk about how it's not that hard to try to do your job well? And how when it affects the 37 week, 2 day pregnant woman, it's that much more exasperating?

First of all, Red Lobster. This is the second time I have been there ever in my life. We went last night with Big Man and his parents...they are all big Red Lobster fans. As a non-seafood lover in you, I don't regularly go there, but I know they have steak so it's clearly a doable place for me. it was a nice treat for Big Man since he never gets to go on account of me not being a seafood lover in you. So everyone ordered their crab legs and deep fried seafood extravaganza and bowls of butter and I ordered my steak. I soon remembered why I don't go a lot to the RL...they aren't too concerned about the quality of the New York strip. I mean I understand it's not their specialty, but at Outback Steakhouse I think their seafood and chicken offerings are probably pretty good even though they likely are focused on their cow mean items. Red Lobster, can we please at least attempt to keep the non-seafood people and pregnant people who have to forgo seafood but still want to dine with their loved ones happy with at least a semi-decent piece of meat? Keep that in mind people. Though props to the cheddar bay biscuits, and my salad and potatoes and smoothie were delightful.

Second. A root canal update. I have now been to Dental Health of Boulder I think 10 times since February 20. I had a root canal, which I've discussed in earlier entries. I have now in the last month been back to have my permanent crown put on three times. And three times it has not happened. "The lab" keeps messing it up. Well then "the lab" can pay for it since I will now be there no less than four times to have this crown seated. I have not much faith that "the lab" will get it right next Monday. Did I mention I have 19 days until my due date? I'm not sure laying on my back while various people fill my mouth with rubber impression products is how I should be spending my time right now. The upside is the ladies at the front desk are always super nice and entertaining so I haven't yelled at anyone. Yet.

Shameless pitch of the day: Juno came out on DVD today. If you haven't seen it, I suggest you do so. And now a word from Bren...

"Well, I'm a nail technician and I think we both ought to just stick to what we know."


Anonymous said...

This post reminds me of Di....she ALWAYS wanted to go to Red Lobster!! Me not being a seafood fan either...never went. That, and the fact that we were located in a land-locked state nowhere near a big body of water....made me think there had to be some better options.