Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Oh, You Think You're So Special Because You Get to Play Picture Pages Up There?

Ah, Wednesday. Which is now officially Lovely Ladies of Boulder Women's Care Day (henceforth to be referred to as LLBWCD) every Wednesday until the little man comes.

We had much to discuss with Dr. J today. You see on Monday, we had a wonderful cold front blow in. I used to love cold fronts blowing in as it made for significantly more comfortable body temperature for prego. Now...not so much. This particular cold front brought with it very high barometric pressure to the metro area and therefore an uncomfortable time full of practice contractions and high pressure in the belly. However thanks to my lovely childbirth class, I have pretty much mastered the difference between the real deal and the fake stuff and I knew it was all fake. That doesn't mean I liked it or it was at all pleasant.

We raised this issue with Dr. J to make sure I wasn't projecting or something. Well apparently she was on call on Monday and had a lot of people coming in for labor checks thinking they were rolling out. She said it made for a lot of activity but no actual births. So I guess childbirth class was time well spent. Can I get a 5-1-1 shout out?

As for a Little Man update (since that's why all four of you read this) he is well. He has not "dropped" per se but is settling a bit lower in the belly. As usual our stats were gold stars all the way around (BP, heart rate, measurements) and prego didn't gain any weight, which should be the norm at this point (woo hoo). Let the record show that I was totally average with the total lbs. His bed is ready, the bag is packed...but there aren't any indications that he'll be making any early appearances (though that doesn't mean he couldn't come knocking 10 minutes from now).

Shoutouts! I never realized that spring time really is baby time. It's getting out of control. Rachel and Mike have a new little boy Hunter as of April 4...and Nancy and Craig also have a new girl Madelyn who came around on April 6. Little Man will have lots of friends to play with!

Wish us luck...another cold front blowing in tonight...

"Well, my five year old daughter could do that and let me tell you, she's not the brightest bulb in the tanning bed. So why don't you go back to night school in Mankato and learn a real trade."