We've been getting hit with a barrage of gooshy ads it being Olympic time and all. Today I was treated to these ads consecutively: Jennie Finch with her 2 year old son Ace, who "makes it a little better when I come off the field" pitching a website for NBC, followed by a mom making her little boy laugh just by talking into a plastic cup courtesy of Kaiser Permanente, followed by the one where the guy messes up his leg in the 400 meters in the 1992 Olympics and his dad comes out of the stands and carries him to the finish line thanks to the fine folks at Visa. Three commercials, three parents, three sons.
Are you kidding me? I don't watch the Olympics to be brought to tears by a bunch of freakin ads. I'd rather be moved by performances and things like the 9 year old Chinese hall monitor that saved two classmates from earthquake rubble because he's "the hall monitor and its my responsibility". These ads are so unfair...how can a new parent be expected to withstand that and emerge unscathed? Like why don't they just stick a fork in my eye and get it over with. Geez.
Letter to Garrett on his Third Birthday
13 years ago
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