Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What a Warm Welcome Back!

So I'm back at work...and Jackson is in day care. I hate it, but it's a reality of today's economy and our plans for ourselves and him that we both need to work. I have taken him there three days and all three days I had some form of crying upon leaving. I have thus far managed to not sob whilst in the day care, so I'm kind of proud of that. He is adjusting and is his usual happy self but has not gotten used to our new morning routine and therefore isn't sleeping great there, but we are all doing our best to make it work.

Upon returning to work, I was welcomed back with the following: my phone turned off, internet down in the whole west side of the stadium, and the latest, some strange form of insect inhabiting my desk. Yes, I said inhabiting. It kind of looks like an ant, but also looks like it isn't an ant. When campus bug man arrived to check it out, of course they had all gone into hiding and were no longer crawling all over my desk although I keep thinking they are crawling all over me. I have the majority of my desk packed into boxes and I'm hoping they will come take it away and replace it with another desk. Super. Go Buffs!


Unknown said...

Just had to check and see the latest development. Oh my, what a cutie!!! I can completely relate to your work/daycare angst. I was lucky because I work out of my home and could have both kids here with a nanny for the first year or so. But once they got more active and noisy I had to ship them out and finding the right place was a real trial. We had a few bad situations (like paying $350/week for daycare for Virginia at a Montessori school that had the worst facilities I have ever seen) but it all worked out great when we found a terrific place, and I managed to bully the director into letting her in.
To me, the worst thing is when another mother (or, worse yet, a father) makes a comment implying that you chose a life of luxury over tending to your child, which is rarely the case and certainly wasn't with us. It was more like food stamps and living in a tent by the railroad tracks with some hobos or working, not to mention schools with metal detectors and English as a second language. I actually had one friend say she couldn't leave her baby in a daycare with "20 kids and one teacher"...um, seriously? Have you heard of state laws? Then when I was traveling for business, one old B on an airplane asked me why I was working when I should be taking care of my kids. She launched into a diatribe on how when she had young kids (about 60 years ago from the look of her), she worked nights and her husband worked days so she could care for the kids. Gee, that sounds terrific. No sleep round the clock and never seeing your husband. That's some real quality family time. I tried to be nice but then got PO'd at her total ignorance and about chucked her out the exit door. Unfortunately, I know it works both ways and I've heard people make comments to my friends who get to stay home (yes, "get to" because I see it as a privilege I only wish I had) about them sitting around all day watching soaps. Yeah, that's what they do. Please, taking care of kids is soooo much harder than working, and I have a really stressful job. My hat is off to all the great moms who can stay home with their kids and make that time really worthwhile for everyone (I'm sure there are some slackers out there - you can tell when the kids get to Kindergarten and they have no idea what ABCs are). I'll be honest, though, right around the time they each turned super-scary hellish 3, I was PSYCHED when Monday morning rolled around. I couldn't get those little monsters out the door to daycare quick enough. I'd been checking their scalps for 6's all weekend and waiting for their heads to spin. There, I said it. Now, I'm a really bad mom. Gives you something to look forward to.
Tracy Z