Sunday, August 10, 2008

Roll Over...or Don't. Whatever You Want.

Now that our quality time with the pumpkin is limited, we try to cram a lot into it. Spending time feeding him then hanging out with him. Truth be told we'd probably let him just sit on our laps and smile and coo for two hours. But in order to foster his development we have to do some play time.

So lately we've been putting a quilt on the floor and alternating between his back and his tummy for play time. Back time has been the most exciting lately, as Jackson is SOOOOOO close to rolling over from his back to his tummy. He lifts his ham hock legs in the air and swings them to the side and gets up on his side and then just rests on his side. If he leaned even a centimeter more, he'd roll over to his tummy.

I hope he does it today because if he does it at day care tomorrow, I don't want to know. :)