Friday, August 1, 2008

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

It was a big day for the Lews. First the good...We had our first studio pictures taken today at JC Penney, which I feel like is a rite of passage for every family in America. We went with Beth and Jack so we got to see someone else do it first and it was so entertaining. I thought I had picked a time that would be a good time for Jackson, that he would be his alert and happy self. I was wrong. He wasn't unhappy, he just wasn't alert and the super smiley kid I'm watching play with his daddy right now. But we took a few photos and found some we liked and I bought them. I think JC Penney should seriously consider making all their photos available online so that people can buy...I had to buy all the photos then and there or else the price went up! That's crap!

So after the photo session, we took a trip to Boulder for the bad. The bad was Jackson's first trip to day care. Basically it was a dry run. So I took him and just sort of was loitering and finally after dotting the i's and crossing the t's I made myself leave. I managed to actually get INTO the car before my total breakdown. At which point I called Jason and informed him that we needed to win Powerball so that I never had to take him to day care again. Then I decided to take advantage of my dry run time and go to work to pick up some things. I determined my best route at work was to go to Dal Ward and go down the back stairs so no one would see my splotchy face (the ugly), but my plan was foiled when my boss came out of the Fieldhouse. He said, "Hi double L!" and I said, "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" while sniffling and biting my lip. He said, "Wow, not happy to see me are you?" and I said, "I *sniff* just took Jackson to day carrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee," and he was like oh it's okay yada yada yada.

After I pulled it together I realized something about going back to work. First of all, I do really like my job and it's going to be great to be back. But if I'm gonna be there instead of with Jackson, then I better make every single second I am there count. As Jason says, "No more checking Facebook!"