Friday, August 8, 2008

Good Times

So day care is going pretty well so I can't say much more about that. I picked him up on Tuesday and he took one look at me and screamed as if to say, "Where the F&^% have you been?!" because he had slept a grand total of 2 hours and 15 minutes. Sweet. So when we were home telecommuting on Wednesday Jackson slept in a very bright room without a bunch of white noise and it paid off with his best nap yet on Thursday at school.

We took a family trip Tuesday night to the county fair, during which Jackson did his first trip in a Bjorn facing out and did very well with it. We were joined by Tera, Sabrina as well as Beth, Chris and Jack. We didn't check out too many animals and may do so tonight. Last night we went to see Jason's last softball game of summer leagues, which they won and won the championship! It was super fun.

So that's where we're at. Happy Weekend!