Tuesday, April 29, 2008

More Things I Look Forward to Doing

So I think that in the last few weeks, there's really one thing that I have decided I really miss and really look forward to doing. Sitting comfortably in a chair. I cannot find a chair or a sofa or a bed or anything that I can sit in comfortably for any period of time worth noting. It sounds like such an insignificant thing...but when I'm desperately trying to do last bits of work before maternity leave, or finishing thank you notes, or just watching TV or whatever...I simply cannot sit in a chair for very long as it squishes the Little Man and is just really, really uncomfortable for me as well.

Just chalk it up to the list of things "they" don't ever tell you. As I say in the header of this blog, honesty is the best policy here. As long as it doesn't cross the disgusting line, you'll hear of it here.

Also, some of our readers have been inquiring as to how they will be alerted as to the arrival of the Little Man. Well, I'm not 100% sure. Hilariously, prego is able to update this blog from the Crackberry. So yeah, I could be sitting in my labor and delivery suite at the Four Seasons/Boulder Community Foothills Hospital, rocking the epidural, and sending drug-enhanced play-by-play of labor (probably not delivery). However I think this might send Big Man and Grandma Jane to the loony bin due to the oversharing nature of this scenario, so we'll play that by ear. I think that most likely, the first updates or announcements will come via text message and then Auntie Allie will hopefully be able to post a blog entry with photos soon after the LM arrives. Which right now, at 39 weeks and basically 3 days, feels like it will be never. There's also obviously going to be an email. If you want to be on the email, you know how to let me know.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back on the blogging front......I got to thinking that you may have gone into labor or something over the weekend! But then I did see you signed onto our various IMs....so I wasn't too worried about it. =)

Anonymous said...

Sarah and I are thinking about you guys a lot these days. Hang in there! And of course I want to be on the email/text list. Hope all is well.

Steve Bauer