So we finally left the house. We as in Jackson and his ma, together, for a purpose other than a visit to the pediatrician. We decided to go meet Beth and Jack at Starbucks at 29th Street yesterday at 3 pm. It wasn't a bold place to go, and I scheduled it during a time I knew Jackson would be asleep, recently fed and recently changed. And it paid off...he slept from the moment I put him in his car seat to go until the moment I removed him from his car seat when we got home. I did not have to change him, I did not have to feed him, I did not have to hold him...we just got to sit and be. Then we went to the Apple store to accessorize our new iPod Nano. It was wonderfully stress-free and set the table for bigger things. We will test drive the Bjorn tomorrow and hopefully will attend the Big 12 Track & Field Championships on Saturday or Sunday this weekend.
Today we got a visit from Kristen. She made us lasagna and we sat and ate and chatted. She is having a little boy in June so Jackson will have yet another buddy to play with. She also got us an amazing onesie that says, "I already know more than the President" which our son will proudly wear as soon as I wash it! Tomorrow Sally O'Malley will come visit and bring food and entertainment. If anyone else wants to visit, feel free to holler at me next week. Jason will be going back to work and I will be lonely!
Letter to Garrett on his Third Birthday
13 years ago
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