Friday, May 16, 2008

Two Weeks Old

So Jackson is two weeks old today and I really can't believe it. I play the "this time two weeks ago" game with myself this time two weeks ago I was I believe on all fours because Jackson wasn't getting enough oxygen or something. My how life has changed for us in Longtucky.

This photo is from last night when we were having a small nap with mamacita during a very boring episode of ER while dad was playing softball. If anyone can tell me what the heck is going on with that show, please feel free. Dad's team won and he went 4-5...go Dad. Sally O'Malley brought us sandwiches and was cool enough to hang out with mom and Jackson for the evening which was much appreciated. For those of you who don't watch Thursday night on missed out. Joy was in rare form on My Name is Earl. Do yourself a favor and watch it online.

In honor of being two weeks old, Jackson's umbilical cord fell off, which was not so frightening as it was dangling by essentially a thread for 12 hours. It fell off during a diaper change at 3 a.m. this morning, and I for sure held on to it so Jason could see it...honestly it's nothing to write home about. I think people save those but I think we'll unceremoniously put it in the trash.

Today after his second lunch we will go for a walk in the Bjorn in preparation for Big 12 Track & Field on Sunday. That will be our first real outing since Starbucks on Tuesday (?) honestly I can't remember what days we did what at this point.

Dad does back to work on Monday so Jackson and I are preparing for life with me as his sole provider of everything for the majority of each day. It should be interesting. It's one thing to have a newborn at home with both parents, but it's entirely another once one goes back to work. It's not like it's easy with two people in the first place. Jason and I have had a nice routine going where each of us is getting a decent block of sleep (like five hours even)...however that ends for mom on Monday. Check in with me on Thursday to see how that's working out for us. I think we can do it...and I'll let you know if we can't. :)