Saturday, May 10, 2008

Packing on the Pounds

So we are back from our week old doctor's appointment and it was a resounding success on so many levels. First of all, Jackson...well he's a good eater. Real good. So good that at 8 days old, he has already gained three ounces. He weighed in at 7-12, checked out at 7-6, and today is back up to 7-15, so in one week he has gained, ahem, 9 ounces. One more ounce and he will weight 8 pounds! That's awesome. He also, as usual, was a little warrior during icky blood tests. Whether it's icky blood tests, elective surgeries to his manhood or whatever, he sails through them without so much as blinking an eye. What a stud. He is also green booger free and all his wounds are healing very well.

After the doctor we visited Beth and Chris and met their little boy Jack. It was fun...both our boys met their first friend! It was fun for Beth and I to trade horror stories from labor and delivery (she wins by the way) as well as for Jason and Chris to chat about their experiences. It was just good to see other first time's hard to find people to relate to who are going through this for the first time. Most people either have never done it, or did it awhile ago and sometimes it's hard to relate on the same level in that moment when you need them to.

Then when we got home, Jason's parents, also known here as Grammie and Papa, were here with lunch and to meet their third grandchild. It's great to have them here lending a hand!