Happy three day Memorial Day Weekend, loyal blog visitors. We had a semi-productive and exciting weekend...well as exciting as things get around these parts. Today we visited Grandma and Grandpa's house in Lakewood for Jackson to meet the Colorado Anholds. Grandpa has a brother and his family here in Colorado so we wanted to get everyone together to meet the wee lad. It was originally supposed to be a cookout, but inclement weather forced us to have an indoor throwdown which was a bummer. We also used it as a Jason birthday event as he turns 3-3 on Thursday; Uncle Eric and Aunt Jennie made his favorite cake...yellow with chocolate frosting. It was made from scratch and was very good! Thanks for the special effort bro and sis in law it was very nice.
It was a fun day. Jackson was basking in the glory of the Anhold women handing him around (thanks to Christine, Kristi, Jenny and Aunt Rita for making it possible for me to eat dinner) when he wasn't snoozing in his car seat. He also got to meet the family dog Buffy which was exciting. Buffy hadn't seen me in wow probably two months or so so she was very excited to see me first of all. Once we got over the initial Buffy-Lindsay reunion excitement, she took a sniff of Jackson and seemed okay with it. She tried to give him kisses a little later but the dog that eats her own poo really shouldn't lick the 24-day old baby who we try to keep from getting sick by scrubbing ourselves with soap and antibacterial stuff constantly. We also had a visit from the Dahman family, whose matriarch Tenby is a good friend from high school (Go Rams!). She and her husband Matt have two darling girls Taylen and Alenna, who provided us with a sneak preview of what three and one-ish look like. Something for us to look forward to.Yesterday Jackson and I went and checked out my indoor soccer team, Chickfila, in action. The roster is a little different as injury and pregnancy has depleted the ranks, but I look forward to rejoining them on June 22. They won, as usual, and Korie (who threw one of my baby showers) helped me out with a diaper change on the floor of the facility. I'm currently lobbying my teammates to change the name of the team to Milf Island since half of us are moms (it used to be 7 out of 10). 30 Rock fans...you don't need to ask what that means. But for the rest of you...visit here. If you aren't watching 30 Rock you need your head examined the show is hilarious.
Letter to Garrett on his Third Birthday
13 years ago
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