Friday, May 23, 2008

Babies Are Disgusting

If Jackson were an adult, the following behavior would typically be frowned upon: pooping a substance which I can only describe as appearing to be the entire contents of a Gulden's mustard jar into his pants, throwing up on himself and others on a semi-routine basis, peeing on others, having to get snot sucked out of his nose by others.

Following an episode in which all four of these things happened in a span of 5 minutes, I sat on the bed in his room holding him and laughed hysterically. Then I tried to talk him into a good nap so that I can wash the aforementioned substances from my body...and mind. He has not yet accepted this proposal. You'd think a three week old would be more reasonable.

The good news is that his aforementioned bodily functions have automatically qualified him for legacy membership in Jason's fraternity. So we can rest easy there.


Allie said...

Hahaha.. now THIS is when you pull out the video camera. C'mon Linds! Wish I could have been there, but glad that I could be the first to know ;) Reminds me of a horror story I experienced with my sister back in the day. No fun!