Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Baby Pedicures Anyone?

Something funny we discovered recently was the damage he is inflicting on his toenails. See, he loves his jumperoo. Loves it. And he will only be able to use it a little while longer since he is getting to be in the weight range where its a no go. So far be it from me to deny him the jumperoo whilst in the jumperoo approved weight range. The issue is that he doesn't jump off the balls of his feet like you and I. He basically jumps off the ends of his rolled over toes. Yes, like a ballet dancer. I can't tell you how much that description troubles me....particularly since it is entirely accurate.

My work friends Megan and Justin used to tease me when I was pregnant about how they were going to buy the as yet undetermined gender baby Lew cheerleading outfits in the event that it was a girl. And how they would buy it theatre costumes if it were a boy. Let's be honest, if this kid wants to do anything other than play sports I am so screwed. Which virtually guarantees that he will want to do everything other than play sports. Cheerleading is fine...for other people's children. Ha.

We also need to have a long talk about Amish Friendship Bread. Jackson's former teacher Tiffany threw this bag of goo at me on December 7 when I picked up sweet pea from day care. I wanted no part of a bag of goo sitting around my house for 10 days while I waited around for December 16 to bake this stupid bread. But I accepted it, and did all the mashing and the adding of ingredients as was directed by the instruction sheet. Today was baking day, and blah blah blah after all the mashing and the adding and the mixing and the baking, the freaking things were sunken in the middle. I'm not happy about it. So hear this: don't give me any Amish Friendship Bread starter goo. It will end up in the Amish Friendship Trash.