Sunday, December 7, 2008

Super Sunday Spectacular

Really it's true of the entire weekend. We got a lot done, including the majority of our Christmas shopping. At least that's true of those members of our family who have sent us their lists (hint, hint). Today we went to Target because we needed wrapping paper and gift tags. Jackson had his first ride in a filthy shopping cart. I know there are lot of filthy things he is around, but when he himself sneezed on the handle...we caved and the next time he's at Target with one of us he will have a sassy thingy to sit on that covers the nasty cart handle. Whatever. I can let most things go but today I bit the bullet. At least we were able to commemorate the experience while shopping because I take my camera everywhere.

We also hit the Crocs warehouse sale which apparently was going on for a long time but we just went today, the last day. It was insane. They set up in an old JC Penney's at our local mall which is like a mile from our house and just had rows upon rows of every kind of Crocs known to man. And accessories. It was out of control...hundreds of people digging through cardboard boxes, other people loading more Crocs into said boxes. Jackson came with us and just took it all in from the comfort of his stroller. Then he retired to the mall with daddy and had his lunch of bottle and squash while mommy went back looking for bargains. Crocs wasn't the only business reaping the benefits of the sale. There was a Pretzelmaker just outside the exit of the store into the mall and I'm telling you they were throwing dough all over the place.

In other Jackson news, he is eating like he's being paid for it. He routinely polishes off the entire jar of baby food after eating 6-8 oz of formula. He can eat a LOT of homemade mashed potatoes. In physical milestones, there isn't anything really new. He can do a lot more looking around...little things that aren't like show stoppers but things we notice he does better or more of. He gets on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth, but that hasn't morphed into any crawling or anything.

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