Monday, June 30, 2008

Class Reunion, Big Sleeps, Boring Video Clip, Etc.

So we had a semi childbirth class reunion on Sunday with three of the other babies from was originally going to be more, but some people cancelled and then we were also running late and I think we lost some people since four of us didn't get there until over 30 minutes after we were supposed to be there. Oops.

It was super fun to see all the other babies. We had four boys there all together and when we put them down on a blanket for photo time it was pretty dang funny. Julian (second from left) punched Jackson (far left) in the face, Trayden (second from right) and Julian were doing some wrestling...I think Jack (far right) was the only one to avoid any instigation of physical contact. It was kind of cool watching them check each other out and all flail around together.

We have had an exciting week in the Lew household, as Jackson has forgotten to wake up at 3 am for six consecutive days now. We refuse to say that he has abandoned it completely as the second we get comfortable we are sure it will return, but it has made for epic sleeping for everyone, particularly me. Today Jackson had his longest stretch, sleeping from 1 am to 6:20 am. After having gone to bed before 10 pm, dad got to sleep about eight hours and mom made it eight between 1 am and 9 am this morning. We are refreshed parents!

Here's another thrilling movie of Jackson doing things that are only interesting to his parents and grandparents.