Sunday, June 8, 2008

Weekend Update With Jackson Lew

Happy Sunday...we have had a fun weekend. Friday was a new level of patheticness for the Lew family. We didn't really have any food for dinner, and we were too tired to go the store, so we had Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli and canned corn. I have to say...the ravs were nasty. I don't think I'll be repeating that meal. We had that dining excitement after Jackson visited Jason at work. We stupidly took no photos of that.

Saturday was a trip to Grandma and Grandpas house for fajitas and for him to meet some more of the family friends. Jackson was once again the star of the show and was very well behaved. He did take a photo with grandma and grandpa...seen at left. He also got some more time with Buffy the dog, and she again opted to not lick his hands with her poo mouth. Thanks Buff.

Today we decided that our son is in the midst of a growth spurt. He's not been much of a screamer...until now. Now the child screams for food like someone is assaulting a member of his family, and then proceeds to drink half a can of Coke's worth of food. And keeps it down. Then if we pause to burp him, the screaming resumes. It's screaming unlike anything we have experienced before.

But at least he then is awake for quality tummy time and play times with his toys. He is much more aware of what's around him and today actually took swings at the dangling animals on his "gym" in our family room. We got lots of big blue eye photos today. Remember, the top link at right on this page IS a constantly updated Jackson photo album, so check out the highlights there.