Growth spurt equals eating like a madman, and today one of my friends paid the consequences. This morning, Mr. Jackson ate 3.5 oz with Jason at 6 a.m. (it would have been more but he was focused on the other end) then woke up at 8 a.m. demanding more food. And more food he got, downing 5.5 oz for me at 8:30 a.m. Since I was unsure as to what his schedule would be like for the day, I decided to take him out for a spin up to campus. We visited the stadium and then went to Dal Ward, where at 11:30 a.m. he wanted another go. So he ate 5 oz again and had a diaper change in BuffVision.So I headed upstairs to academics to visit our friends there, and Kris Livingston was the only one there! He was asleep in his car seat for awhile, but then woke up and wanted out. It had been over an hour since he ate, and he had gotten a few burps in, so I figured we were out of the window for the vomitron and offered Kris the chance to hold him, assuring her that "he won't throw up on you...well he probably won't throw up...I don't think he will throw'll be fine!"
She walked him around the office and showed him the AMAZING view out of her window, and I took a picture of them. Not 30 seconds later, we got a solid projectile vomit on Kris, her carpet and all over Jackson. In the middle of the work day. She started laughing (thank GOD Kris you have a sense of humor), I started laughing and I grabbed him and tried to get the vom off of her. I'm still horrified. Talk about a faux pas...sure, hold my kid, he won't throw up...BLARGH! Vomitron. I will never be able to apologize enough.
In other news, we had a massive tummy time effort this evening. Jackson turned his head NINE TIMES in 10 minutes for a new JCL record. We are so proud. Hopefully that makes him sleep a bunch.
Letter to Garrett on his Third Birthday
13 years ago
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