Sunday, June 22, 2008

Untitled Sunday Night Blog

It's been a busy weekend for us all. Grammie and Papa and Aunt Jen and Cousin Marin have been in town since Friday and we have had a packed schedule.

I played golf, badly, on Friday afternoon to wish a work colleague well, while the family played with Jackson, went swimming and Jason played softball. During softball, Grammie and I gave Jackson a bath which was lots of fun. Clean babies are extra super cute.

Saturday we attended the Fourth Annual Vogelarosa party at Boulder Reservoir, which was fun as always and was made more so by Marin playing with pre-boiled crawfish and a frog that she and her new friend found.

Today was the return to indoor soccer. We got shelled, but I had way more fun than I did playing outdoor on Thursday. We are all pretty tired and are settling down to watch the Cubbies. The family leaves tomorrow to head back to Indiana.